My beloved geek gave me a whole new hard drive just for my photos, so I feel like I'm back in business. There have been a couple of tragedies in my extended family, a couple of funerals, so I'm definitely ready to get back to life here at Amon Eruanna.

Uncounted numbers of folk have waxed poetical about flowers, but have you noticed how they are always there, always able to incorporate some form of delicate beauty into the worst situations, or to celebrate any occasion? Birth, death, sickness, congratulations . . . more than likely you will find a flower of some kind there. Even an ordinary day is set apart when you take a few moments to observe a flower. From just a practical standpoint, they are there to ensure the next season's flowers. From a more abstract one, they remind us of God's diversity, His ability to contain power and emotion in the most delicate petal. Or maybe He just knew that something inside us craves beauty. Our Creator sure knew we needed them, and made them just right.Ok, and just so you know I haven't been slacking, here is some of our lovely harvest.
Ok, your morbid friend know, flowers were first presented at funerals to help cover to odor of the deceased. Nice, huh? I like the interpretation you portrayed in your post much better!
Part of knowing how to live life is being able to find joy and beauty in the things that are utterly mundane and practical, right?
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