Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not mentioning any names ...

 Time to change the header, so the above is placed here for posterity.


There are a few people in my house who really don't care for spiders, no matter how photogenic they are.  One in particular, because one fateful day in the autumn, a veritable Shelob left an indelible physical impression on someone who dwells under the same roof as I. I won't mention any names.

This is one of the drum majors for the past marching band season, but she does not live in my house. This was their victory lap, their last performance after earning a Division I rating at the State Marching Band  Competition. They are a hard core bunch, playing in the rain both at State and this particular night, like it was nothing. Someone who lives in our house played alto sax for marching band this past year. I won't mention any names.

 Lastly, someone in this house is over 40, and even though her hands look much older than that, she still knows how to rock an awesome manicure.

 We won't mention any names.

Autumn Portraits

Before the weather got cold, while all the splendid color was still around, I was privileged to be asked by Andy's brother Aaron and his wife Alisia for a mini session before they went out for the evening.

It seems that wherever they are, laughter is inevitable. 

They are pretty good neighbors, also. Just having them close by, as well as Andy's other brother Ryan and his wife Jodi and their family, and him mom and dad ... we are in a blessed location. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, we are pretty well covered out here. 

Here is one of our neighbors who isn't actually related to Andy.  Brandy and Layla are our next door neighbors, and happened to be arriving home one evening during a spectacular sunset. Brandy agreed to let me photograph the lovely Layla to harness the spectacular light of the moment.
The leaves are all gone now, and now we await the first snowfall. Fall is way too fleeting.