We've had two whole days of dry roads! The photo above was from the last round of thunderstorms we had last week; there were even tornado warnings for closeby communities, but we just got a bit of rain and wind. Doesn't sound like there was much damage where funnel clouds were reported either. I just wonder - I never remember this many tornadoes when I was younger growing up in the area. I think maybe there are more sensitive technologies available to detect and track these storms.
I'm feeling blue like the reflection in the road today. No particular reason, I guess. There's plenty to be thankful for, just have the blahs. It was in the mid 70's today at Amon Eruanna, but the wind was terrible. Wind just grates on my nerves! Gentle breezes are tolerable, but this was constant strong wind, rattling everything!
My mom went back to work yesterday, just over a month after having her hip replaced. Isn't that amazing! Proves the power of prayer, something that is proven time and again I know, but its just cool when its reaffirmed in a so tangible and obvious way. She has healed up with no complications, and is moving around better than I've seen in a couple of years.
We now have two milk stands running in the milking parlor, and have cut chore time down considerably. The does like it because they get their udders empties and bellies filled without having to wait as long.
Switchfoot is playing in a nearby city tonight; as nearby as any of my favorite bands have ever come, and we can't go. Maybe that explains my blues. I had the chance to see them in a city a bit farther away this past fall, with my pal Roxanne, and they put on such a good show, and they have the best rapport with the audience as I have ever seen at an event like that. They were touring with Relient K and Ruth, all good, good music. Hopefully they will visit a town near Amon Eruanna again soon.
I heard they were going to be near! I hope your blues are short-lived. Mine will likely start tomorrow when I have to trudge through the rain to work. I am ready for some consistent, and by that I mean consistently good weather.
Bummer about switchfoot. Shane and I saw KJ-52 and Superchic[k] on Suday night! Also Disciple but they were painfully loud with the bass turned up so high my jeans were vibrating on my legs! Other bands too -- Cross the line tour. We can blast swithcfoot this weekend if it will make you feel better.
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