You've heard about the flooding already, I'm sure. And the tornadoes and various other severe weather events that have been in our area. My brother-in-law said it best: This weather in 2008 is like an abusive, drunken husband. It beats the living daylights out of us one day, then the next is all repentant and lovey-dovey. The weather this week has been as near to perfect as it can get; small consolation, I'm sure, to the folks who are having to salvage their lives and homes from the muck and the mire in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, Columbus Junction and on down the Mississippi.
By God's mercy we have escaped harm from the weather so far at Amon Eruanna. The garden is doing great, and the green beans we had to replant, due to a varmint mole, are all up and growing. A blessing in disguise, as it will extend the season and I will have lots to can.
I'm hoping to wander out to the timber to get some black raspberries here in the next few days. There is not much that is better than black raspberry jelly.
I've been working on some beaded blackberry socks the past few weeks, getting a row or two in now and then. I wasn't going to use the beads, but I can't get the pattern to work without them, and now they are really growing on me. Wish I had more time for them, though. They are made with Tofutsies yarn, which is awesome because its made from soft wool, Soysilk, some other fiber, and chitin, which is derived from the shells of lobster and shrimp and such, and is naturally antibacterial! Not that my feet stink, mind you . . .
Ummm... picture of socks?
What a great picture of the clouds. So grateful they didn't produce anything horrendous!
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