From the snow we had on Sunday, we are still waiting for the roads to be decent enough to get out. So, here we are, no school, getting sick of each other and staring at another potential system coming through on the weekend. At least hubby can get out; he drives his 4WD pickup out. He's brought back supplies for us, and valiantly braved the drifts and made it to work twice and back once. Hopefully he makes it back OK tonight, as he has promised to take us out for supper. OUT! FOR SUPPER!
I know I promised more pictures of the baby goats, but haven't got that done yet. Hubby took the camera today to get pictures of the drifts. The babies are doing fine, still in the mudroom.
I've filled all the birdfeeders and have been enjoying trying out my zoom lens. This poor nuthatch blinked for just a second, but that's all it took to lose that seed. Fortunately, there were plenty more there for him. The feeders are busy with dozens of goldfinches, a pair of hairy woodpeckers, a couple pairs of downy woodpeckers, a red-bellied woodpecker, purple and house finches, several pairs of cardinals, blue jays, juncoes and chickadees. I'm hoping for a return of a couple of rarer visitors, being the red-breasted nuthatch and the tufted titmouse, but time will tell. Haven't seen them yet this year.
What an awesome pic! At least you have birds to watch!Maybe you can have each child grab a book and sit in all different rooms.
as a fact of matterly, that's what I did! I said, sleep or read, you all have to stay in your beds for a while. E1 and E2 read, E3 and E4 slept. Oh, the Chinese was tasty tonight, and the different walls . . . but it was snowing . . . we'll see what tomorrow brings . . .
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