Another snow day. My hubby was going to work when he got a call that my fil and mil are stuck in a truck-hood-high drift east of us, so he went to go help them instead. Anyone that has seen my fil's work truck will be impressed with the size of that drift; he is a traveling mechanic and has a heavy equipment repair truck. The east road was the one that was fine last night . . . actually, both the roads out of Amon Eruanna were passable last night, but we got a little more snow and the wind kicked up again. So the 4E's and I are at home together again. At least we got out last night for a bit.
I want to add that it is insanely cold outside. I am NOT looking forward to walking to the barn this morning. Usually it is warmer and a little more protected inside, but getting there will undoubtedly be painfully cold.
The photo above is one my hubby took on the north road on the way to work before the snowplow came through. We've had enough snow that the ditches are full, and now there is no barrier to the blowing snow, so it creeps across the road and drifts. Most cars, vans, buses, and trucks can't take that on. 4WD is a requirement. Which is why we are home. All together. Again.