Monday, October 8, 2012

Yellow River State Park

This past weekend, we took up trip up north to scout out a campground for our upcoming family mini vacation. 

Yellow River State Park is very rugged, hilly, and loaded with trees. We were fortunate enough to catch the tail end of the peak leaf color. 

Lots of trails, plenty of rugged beauty. You really get a feeling of undisturbed nature, like the park is a precious, well-kept secret. 

I spotted this lil critter on a sapling as we drove past, on our final swing through the park for the day; Andy was brave enough to hop a ravine and photograph it. I wasn't sure what it was going to do if it lost its grip on that sapling. I knew I was going to flee, whether it was chasing me or not. It was a lot of fun, though, watching it use its tail and claws to cling to that sapling. 

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