Thursday, February 9, 2012

Study of egg colors

After a short break over the winter, as the daylight hours have increased, our hens have resumed production. Eggs have such soothing, comforting colors. Our hens produce mostly shades of pinky browns. The white egg was produced by one of our older hens, either a Brown Leghorn or a Silver-Spangled Hamburg, or our Mottled Houdan, Mimi. Our brown egg layers are Dominiques, Barred Rocks, or Partridge Rocks.

My favorite eggs come from our Silver-Laced Wyandottes. Brown with white speckles. I almost hate breaking these little works of art. But we let our chickens range around with the goats, and even in the winter time. Unless there is snow on the ground, they follow the goats around picking at grass, bugs and seeds, and whatever else they find. Their rich and varied diet, supplemented with a quality, very nutritious pellet food and scratch grains as a treat, makes for very rich and yellow-orange yolks. We have even discovered that our Dominiques are actually really great mousers. I'm not sure how that contributes to egg nutrition, but its a nice asset. 

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