Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ah, spring!

Yes, its been a while since I've posted. Sorry to all my faithful viewers; we've worked our way out of the muck and mire and are now in spring. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago; its an ice jam on the river nearby. Note the camper behind the trees!

My mom had hip replacement surgery a couple of weeks ago, so I've been trying to maintain two households. Its been fun to help her out, though, and we're so excited to see her getting around better.

The migrating birds have all come back - robins, bluebirds, grackles, herons, and this year a special treat - there have been hooded mergansers on our pond! They are quite striking. I haven't been able to snap a photo yet, but here is a link to what they look like -

The goat kids are all growing well, and we are settled back into a peaceful routine. Today we are getting new fence around the barnyard!

More to come . . .

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