Monday, February 11, 2008

Still cold

It is still pretty cold, and we are going to get more snow.

I'm consoling myself with this picture I took of a rainbow over our prairie. Last summer was pretty stormy, and this happened to be one of the tamer showers we had. And it was a morning rainbow, something I haven't witnessed too often myself. It was 'originating' right in the prairie!

The baby goats are doing great, still enjoying the relative warmth of the mud room. Even Mangus, even though he is a month old. But we have yet to construct pens for the babies in the barn, and it seems too cold anyway. We don't keep them toasty warm in the mud room, though; it gets down to 50 F at night in there, but we don't want them to be pansies either!

I'll try to get more pictures up of the babies soon . . .

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