I can't believe the children are back at school, the days are getting cooler, and summer is closing. Time to start planning the late winter/early spring kidding. Thinking about trying to sneak in some late season beets, spinach and radishes. I've canned over 30 quarts of green beans, and I think there still may be a few out there. I'm going to make some homemade catsup, just like my grandma. I've been making some crystal pickles, and Friday I'm going to try my grandma's recipe for lime pickles.
My Uncle Bud has been visiting us, and he picked some wild cherries for me, from which I've made some tasty jelly. He lives in Missouri, but he came up to take us to the Iowa State Fair. We partook in many tasty things on a stick, watched some robots destroy small appliances, and had a lovely time. Pictured is the hackberry butterfly that lit on E4's Iowa State Fair hat. I think one of the big highlights for me was seeing a real live trumpeter swan that was on display at the DNR building! The other was running into some much missed, dear friends.